Dylan Kart Wiki

Gracie Pena Is Another main charecter on the show /Dylan_Kart



December 2,1998(age 13)

Absent Episode's


First Apperance

New Talent

Love intrestes

Eric Lange

Last Apperance

Long Gone (Guest Star in The South Middle Street Adventures)


Gracie is potrayed as a sweet girl. She's nice to everyone. (Excluding the Pilot,where she acts slightly ruder.) Her best friend is Lois and they usually hang out often.She has a crush on Eric,although he never sees it. She is nice to Stevie,even though they don't interact much. She's nice to Peter,he likes her,but she does not return the feelings. In Season 2,she comes back from a trip and dates Eric. Her and Stevie end up being closer,and her and Lois stop being friends due to her jealousy.

Relationships with Other Characters[]

Eric Lange (Unknown-Present Crush Best Freind)[]

see Eracie

Cat Valentine (2012-Present Freinds)[]

In the Episode Victorious Kart Cat Helps Gracie Make a Card To Tell Eric She Likes Him But It Backfires When Robbie Drops It.

Stevie Parklie (Unknown-Present BFF)[]

See Stacie

Peter Russo (Unknown-Present Freinds)[]

See Pecie
